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IFD100 Information

Printed From: Avidyne
Category: Avidyne General
Forum Name: IFD100 Mobile App
Forum Description: Topics on Avidyne's IFD100 Mobile App
Printed Date: 19 Sep 2024 at 2:59pm
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Topic: IFD100 Information
Posted By: AviSimpson
Subject: IFD100 Information
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2016 at 3:42pm
Hey all, I created a new forum for any questions about the upcoming IFD100 mobile app.

Simpson Bennett
Avidyne Corporation
Product Manager

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2016 at 4:43pm
Hmm, and just when might it be of use to us all?????  

Any announcements coming at AEA?  

* Orest

Posted By: AviSimpson
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2016 at 4:46pm
Well it seems the questions are piling up in the 10.2 about the IFD100 so I figured I would centralize the effort.

The only announcement at AEA is the Boeing Banana for iPad IFD100 users ;) I couldn't resist. 

Simpson Bennett
Avidyne Corporation
Product Manager

Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2016 at 5:10pm
shhhh......don't tell Orest.

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2016 at 5:16pm
Originally posted by AviSimpson AviSimpson wrote:

The only announcement at AEA is the Boeing Banana for iPad IFD100 users ;) I couldn't resist. 

My heart skipped a beat!

* Orest

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2016 at 8:44am
I think a lot of folks "get" the utility of this capability.     I like to think I'm not often susceptible to hyperbole but here comes a clear violation of that.

This capability is unbelievable.   For me, it completely changes the game in managing my cockpit tasks, especially those involving avionics and their role in your flight.

I fly test flights with a dual IFD set up and either one or two iPads running IFD100 and of course the Bluetooth keyboard.   I try combos like:

1 IFD5XX, 1 IFD100, 1 Bluetooth keyboard
1 IFD440, 1 IFD100, 1 Bluetooth keyboard
1 IFD540, 1 IFD440, 1 IFD100, 1 Bluetooth keyboard
1 IFD550, 1 IFD540, 1 IFD100, 1 Bluetooth keyboard
1 IFD550, 1 IFD540, 2 IFD100, 1 Bluetooth keyboard

When flying the 550, 540, 100, 100, keyboard combo, it's just sick.  It is the full glass cockpit experience.

I apologize ahead of time for any jealousy this may create - patience will have to remain virtuous.  I will also say we are pulling the oars as fast as we can to get this all done and shipping and in your hands.

I have three to four pages I typically use in flight so I set each device up to be on one of those pages so I really don't have to touch them at all in flight.

I also am addicted to the Designated Waypoint Info datablock in Release 10.2 and I actually set up a different Designated Waypoint in each device so I have 4 running at all times.  The spatial/positional awareness that provides is a quantum leap in capability all by itself.

I personally mount one iPad Mini to the yoke in front of me.  I put a second iPad Mini on the other yoke and adjust it to be facing me or I put it on my kneeboard on my right leg.

I'm about to create a mounting scheme where I can mount a full sized iPad over my instrument panel instruments that are right in front of me.  I can literally snap the iPad over the instruments.  That leaves the original instruments untouched and still there if I ever need them in the heat of the moment.  Zero mechanical impact to your airplane and no impact to the cert basis.   You can see where we're going with respect to legacy airplane upgrades - leave your steam gauges alone, put in one or two pedigreed IFDs in the center stack and just snap mobile devices over existing panel.  Augment that set up with desired peripherals like ADS-B devices and voila.  The IFD100 app enables all of this.

Here are a few action shots I took yesterday during a flight.   It was
just me, it was very bumpy, it was an iPhone, and I'm not related to
Ansel Adams.

I like to set up taxi chart on the iPad - it's bigger, closer to me and obviously supports pinch zoom.

Here is a shot showing the Map Syn Vis feature that everybody gets on their IFDs (all flavors) as part of  Note my keyboard on my kneeboard (remember that I can do full page navigation now using that with 10.2):

Here's a picture of what FLTA terrain alerts look like on the IFD100.  Note that the picture was taken the instant it went to red warning and the CAS message was presented a split second after the picture was taken.

Here's a shot of both IFD100s running on the two iPads with flight plan page pulled up so you can see the sync'd flight plans.  You may also be able to see one of the GoPro's I have mounted in the airplane in the reflection of the right iPad.  When I get some time, we hope to post some videos of this stuff in action from the GoPros.

And here's a shot of my standard config when shooting an approach.    550 is in SVS page, 540 is in Chart view, IFD100 in Flight Plan page, and 2nd IFD100 (out of view from picture) on Map page. Note the glideslope/path indicators in the IFD550, the runway in the distance and the velocity vector which is on the runway.   I just shake my head on these approaches and wonder why I even need to be in the cockpit - I do nothing other than watch a cool show.  Approximately zero pilotage skills required.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2016 at 8:58am
A few operational notes about the IFD100.

1.  We've made the changes in the app to now allow full com sync'ing and control from the IFD100.   Unlike dual panel mount IFDs which have no ability to control and display the other box's VHF radio, the IFD100 is able to control and display VHF com on the panel IFD that it's connected to via WiFi.   That's two-way so if you make the change on the panel IFD, the iPad version changes to follow.

2.  The SVS page is not present on the IFD100 if it is not connected to and IFD550 via WiFi.   You still get the exocentric view for Map-SVS but not the out-the-window egocentric SVS view.

3.  Aurals are now playing via the iPad too.  So you have the option to turn those on/off on the iPad.

4.  The IFD100 now knows if the panel IFD it's connected to is in Demo mode or actual flight mode and can automatically alter itself to follow.  So that means the IFD100 will "fly" a demo profile also if the panel IFD is in demo mode.   Another fantastic booth demo and ground training aid.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2016 at 9:38am
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

1.  We've made the changes in the app to now allow full com sync'ing and control from the IFD100.   Unlike dual panel mount IFDs which have no ability to control and display the other box's VHF radio, the IFD100 is able to control and display VHF com on the panel IFD that it's connected to via WiFi.   That's two-way so if you make the change on the panel IFD, the iPad version changes to follow.

With #1, are we able to have more VHF comm slots on the IFD100 than on the 540?  It seems that if they are sync'd, this may not work.  If you have nav and comm on the 540, do you have to have nav and comm on the 100?  I was speculating that I'd like to have nav and comm on the 540 as I do now and then have additional comm frequencies stacked up on the 100, is this possible?

Thanks for the pics and looking forward to the video.  Minor suggestion, rotate the pictures so they are easier to view.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2016 at 9:55am
The active and the #1 standby freqs are the two that are sync'd between the IFD100 and panel mount IFD.   All the extra standbys are not sync'd so you can put up to three extra standby in each of the IFDs (e.g. an IFD540 and an IFD100 combo can have a total of 6 un-sync'd standbys).

I posted from my phone and struggled with trying to rotate the pix and finally gave up.   Will try to rotate any further pix prior to posting from a PC.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: pburger
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2016 at 10:11am
I just don't understand the need for NAV/COM at all on the IFD-100, since it isn't actually a radio.  I see the IFD100 as more of an extra display, rather than a remote control device, but maybe I'm missing something?  I should always be in arm's reach of my NAV/COM, so why do I need to twiddle the knobs on the iPAD to change frequencies?  Also, I would hate for a co-pilot or passenger to accidentally change my frequency while "playing" with the iPad.  I plan to eliminate the frequencies from the display altogether on the IFD100.  This is possible, right?

Thanks for the pictures Steve.  My neck is sore from the rotated shots, but it looks so very cool!  My problem is going to be placement of the iPad in the cockpit.  I'll make room somehow...

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2016 at 10:35pm
If you have the nav/comm setup you like on the 540, I'd agree there would be no need for frequencies on the 100.  Personally, I've wanted to have additional comm frequencies many times, but I don't want to give up the nav frequencies so I end up only having active and standby comm.  I was hoping I could have the additional comm frequencies on the 100.

Does the #1 standby between the 540 and 100 sync regardless of their respective location on the screen?  I've never used more than one standby, but the manual states that whichever one is touched is the #1 standby.  In that case, If I had only active and standby on the 540 and 4 comms on the 100, I'd just select whichever freq I want on the 100, which makes it the #1 standby, which pushes it to the standby on the 540 and I can hit the swap from there?  Your examples just happen to have the #1 standby on the 100 as being the second frequency (same order as on the panel mount).

Can you make a comment on the general horsepower required for a 100 tablet?  My guess is that the iPad and Surface Pro are way overkill.  Is there a lot of processing required to run the 100 or is it pretty tame in the background?

Posted By: MysticCobra
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2016 at 11:31pm
Nifty.  And unavailable to 80% of tablet owners, like me.  Rats." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: LANCE
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2016 at 11:58pm
Originally posted by MysticCobra MysticCobra wrote:

Nifty.  And unavailable to 80% of tablet owners, like me.  Rats." rel="nofollow -

Thankfully the IFD100 will now be available to a higher percentage of tablet users than the old news you quote from the 3rd quarter of last year. iPad sales shot back up in the last quarter of 2015. 1st quarter 2016 results will be reported in less than 10 days and should also be up with the two new iPad Pro models - two of the best products Apple has ever made.

Spending $279 for a refurbished iPad Air (or $229 for a iPad mini) seems like a small price to pay for all of the benefits of IFD100 app. You can do it anonymously so no one knows.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2016 at 1:08am
Originally posted by brou0040 brou0040 wrote:

Does the #1 standby between the 540 and 100 sync regardless of their respective location on the screen?  I've never used more than one standby, but the manual states that whichever one is touched is the #1 standby.  In that case, If I had only active and standby on the 540 and 4 comms on the 100, I'd just select whichever freq I want on the 100, which makes it the #1 standby, which pushes it to the standby on the 540 and I can hit the swap from there?  Your examples just happen to have the #1 standby on the 100 as being the second frequency (same order as on the panel mount).

Can you make a comment on the general horsepower required for a 100 tablet?  My guess is that the iPad and Surface Pro are way overkill.  Is there a lot of processing required to run the 100 or is it pretty tame in the background?

It's the #1 standby that is sync'd. You can make any of the standby slots the #1 standby simply by touching it. That leaves you up to 3 more standby slots to do with what you please. Those additional standby slots do not sync so you can have up to three per IFD550/545/540/510/440/410/100.

I think we'll characterize the required horsepower with more precision over the coming weeks. It is running the full IFD code including the gigantic terrain database so it is a bit of a memory and processing hog.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2016 at 11:18am

You mentioned that you were running it on the Surface, was that the 4 or the 3?

It ran "all right" there?

* Orest

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2016 at 11:25am
Originally posted by oskrypuch oskrypuch wrote:


You mentioned that you were running it on the Surface, was that the 4 or the 3?

It ran "all right" there?

* Orest

I happen to have a Surface Pro 4 and it runs fine there.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: 94S
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2016 at 9:48am
I stumbled on a work around for the rotated pics on the Mac (I haven't tried this on a Windows machine, so I don't know if it also works there).  Right click on the photo and select "View Image".  This rotates the photo right side up and stretches it to fit the browser window.  So, not only do you not have to turn you head, the picture is larger.  Hit the back button when your done.

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2016 at 1:41pm
You can also just right click, and "open image in new tab". Most browsers will have some way to handle it.

* Orest

Posted By: comancheguy
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2016 at 3:37pm
Steve - 

This all looks great.  Question:  That top box, in your pic, is an IFD-550, I assume?  That left most bottom button, on the IFD-550s that I have seen, says: "SVS".   Your pic says, "PFD"????  

Care to comment? 


Posted By: Gring
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2016 at 4:28pm
Originally posted by comancheguy comancheguy wrote:

Steve - 

This all looks great.  Question:  That top box, in your pic, is an IFD-550, I assume?  That left most bottom button, on the IFD-550s that I have seen, says: "SVS".   Your pic says, "PFD"????  

Care to comment? 


I'm pretty sure the button was relabeled from PFD in the early prototypes to SVS in the later boxes.

Posted By: DavidBunin
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2016 at 2:58pm
"A man could watch a lot of TV in a plane like that."

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2016 at 12:34pm
Originally posted by Gring Gring wrote:

Originally posted by comancheguy comancheguy wrote:

Steve - 

This all looks great.  Question:  That top box, in your pic, is an IFD-550, I assume?  That left most bottom button, on the IFD-550s that I have seen, says: "SVS".   Your pic says, "PFD"????  

Care to comment? 


I'm pretty sure the button was relabeled from PFD in the early prototypes to SVS in the later boxes.

Yes, Geoffrey is correct.   Production units are "SVS".  My development box still has the old "PFD".

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: wsh
Date Posted: 25 Apr 2016 at 3:35pm
?? I thought the G500/600 and IFD540 were a nogo?

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 25 Apr 2016 at 3:38pm
Originally posted by wsh wsh wrote:

?? I thought the G500/600 and IFD540 were a nogo?

I don't understand. The IFD integrates very nicely with the G500/600.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: wsh
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2016 at 6:28pm
Supposedly the combination is not covered under Garmin stc?

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2016 at 9:36pm
Originally posted by wsh wsh wrote:

Supposedly the combination is not covered under Garmin stc?

Well that's true but also irrelevant. The STC that covers the IFD-series explicitly includes the G500/600. This is pretty typical - the STC newcomer is responsible for testing and showing compatibility and compliance.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: dubs
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2016 at 11:43am
One of the features I love about foreflight is geo-referencing on approach plates. My IFD440 cannot display charts. When IFD100 is released, will the iPad running IFD100, coupled to an IFD440 have the ability to display charts? Or, will I need to switch to Foreflight during approaches for georeferencing on the plates?

Baron C55
Tulsa, OK

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2016 at 11:56am
Unless something goes south in the next few weeks,  the combination of an IFD440 and an IFD100 will  be capable of displaying geo-referenced Jepp Charts on the IFD100.

That's a combo I use all the time right now.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: dubs
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2016 at 12:20pm
Awesome. I see IFD100 being of the greatest utility to those with limited panel space, like myself, restricted to the dimensions of the IFD440. Although I've had the IFD440 for a short time, I think that IFD100 will be a game changer.

Although, if Avidyne simultaneously solves the issue of feeding ADS-B In data from the MLB100 to an iPad running Foreflight, it might make for an interesting choice. There's something to be said for running redundant systems, even though one of them is for situation awareness only.

Excuse my prolific posting. I'm home with walking pneumonia this weekend, but would much rather be flying, playing with the IFD440.

Baron C55
Tulsa, OK

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2016 at 5:03pm
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

the combination of an IFD440 and an IFD100 will  be capable of displaying geo-referenced Jepp Charts on the IFD100.

My guess would be that in order to do this, you'd have to subscribe to the chart data from Jepp, which dubs probably doesn't if he only has the 440.  With the IFD100 being just another IFD in the cockpit with respect to Jepp subscriptions, I assume it will only display what you have a subscription for.

Posted By: GMSutton
Date Posted: 09 May 2016 at 1:40am
Originally posted by brou0040 brou0040 wrote:

My guess would be that in order to do this, you'd have to subscribe to the chart data from Jepp, which dubs probably doesn't if he only has the 440.  With the IFD100 being just another IFD in the cockpit with respect to Jepp subscriptions, I assume it will only display what you have a subscription for.

I suspect you're correct. My charts on Foreflight are geo-referenced and they're far less expensive than adding Jepp charts to the Avidyne bundle. I had the full bundle at first but this year I didn't renew the chart portion of the bundle because I never used the charts on my IFD540. 

But now, the Jepp chart subscription on our IFD540s will be far more useful since it will be repeated on the iPad through the IFD100...

< ="cosymantecnisbfw" co="cs" id="SILOBFWID" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; display: block;">

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 09 May 2016 at 10:18am
Another relevant data point is that Jepp reportedly was going to make its iPad FD app compatible with the IFDs.  Another Bonanza pilot was told recently, however, that the new CEO at Jepp has put all development efforts on hold; improvements to the FD app as well as presumably compatability between the app and the IFDs.

Maybe the IFD100 will make all of this superfluou, or at least one can hope.

EDIT:  That "intel" came from Jepp customer service.

David Gates

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 09 May 2016 at 10:25am
Total hogwash with respect to Jepp-Avidyne integrations underway.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: n7ifr
Date Posted: 09 May 2016 at 10:32am
What will be IFD100's capability to display OBS, and can this be toggled without changing the panel mounted display of active flight plan?

Tom W. 

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 09 May 2016 at 10:33am
No, just like what happens with two panel mount IFDs, if you change the nav source on one unit (panel mount or tablet version), the connected unit will follow.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: n7ifr
Date Posted: 09 May 2016 at 10:42am
Thanks Steve.

Any capability with v10.2 and dual IFD's to display of OBS on IFD#2 independent of #1 IFD and continue with Flight Plan guidance to HDG bug from IFD#1 (converse of note in new 10.2 manual pp 5-10)?

Tom W.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 09 May 2016 at 10:43am
I'll double check in the next day or two but no, I wouldn't expect that.  It's a two-way nav source sync mechanism.  You change the nav source on any box in a connected system, and all the other connected units should follow.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: safari
Date Posted: 11 May 2016 at 11:37am
Will you be able to have two IFD 100's running with just one IFD 540


Posted By: AviSimpson
Date Posted: 11 May 2016 at 11:38am
Yes! I'll ask Jake to post some photos.

Simpson Bennett
Avidyne Corporation
Product Manager

Posted By: idmpilot
Date Posted: 19 May 2016 at 9:59am
Jake or Simpson, I have an ifd 540 and an Aspen 1000 pro with an acu2 in my bonanza. Very happy with both except the screen on the aspen is small for my 60 yr old eyes. If I upgraded to an ifd 550, could I import gps nav data (glideslope and cdi) to display on the ifd 100/ipad along with the attitude to assist in flying an lpv approach. I realize that that the ifd550/100 is not approved as a backup attitude ref since it doesn't have a battery backup. I'm sure there are many other pilots with similar equipment. Thanks, Jim.

j george

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 19 May 2016 at 10:09am
All of the data that displays on the 550 can/will display on the IFD100. So in the case of the IFD550-IFD100 combo, the GPS CDI and glideslope deviation indicators will be displayed on the IFD100. If you download the draft IFD550 Pilot Guide from our website, you can see exactly what it looks like on the IFD550 and therefore know what it looks like on the IFD100.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: n7ifr
Date Posted: 29 May 2016 at 12:10pm
So, when the IFD100 is displaying either the 540 or 550 "data", will the subscription Jepp plates also display on the iPad IFD100 and if so, maybe there is a way (on the iPad) to rotate for Track-Up... Wishful thinking?

Tom Wolf

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 30 May 2016 at 7:34am
Yes Jepp charts can be displayed on the IFD100 app (see an example image up above on my 16 Apr post, albeit a taxi chart but that's just the picture I took) but no, we don't provide a track up view of charts on the IFD100.  It behaves exactly as if it were a panel mount unit for that behavior.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: n7ifr
Date Posted: 30 May 2016 at 10:06am
Thanks Steve - Can't wait for v10.2 and the IFD100 iPad update.  Maybe in future update "Track Up" will be an option - probably has to come from Jepp??

Unrelated to this thread, comparing my 540's to 550, any update on future cost of upgrade costs?

Tom Wolf 

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 30 May 2016 at 11:13am
Yes, geo-referenced track up charts will be a Jepp thing.

As for 540 --> 550 upgrade path, Avidyne Sales and Marketing are just about to publish the plan.  We have  a separate thread for that on this forum where the info will be posted.  They expect to publish it externally this coming week I believe.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: berndsenco
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2016 at 4:53pm
Any update on the release of v10.2, the release of the 550, and the IFD100 app? It's almost September!

Jon Berndsen

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 26 Aug 2016 at 2:15pm
I'm staring at my screen trying to come up with an update that will be interesting and useful but can't come up with one.

The best I can supply is:

+ Development is long since complete
+ FAA for-credit testing started weeks ago
+ There are no known show stoppers - we just have to work through the myriad of end-game tasks between us and the FAA

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 26 Aug 2016 at 2:28pm

* Orest

Posted By: Paul
Date Posted: 26 Aug 2016 at 5:25pm
Quote I'm staring at my screen trying to come up with an update that will be interesting and useful but can't come up with one.

Your update was interesting, useful, and short.  Thank you.

Posted By: KLRDMD
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2016 at 1:22pm
Is there any update to this yet ?

Ken Reed

Posted By: thtrottermd
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2016 at 5:59pm
I agree!!  The update would be really nice.

Posted By: n7ifr
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2016 at 1:05pm
Nice to finally put a face to the forum at the AOPA fun Fly-In in PRC this weekend.  

Regarding the IFD100 (when available - ?? end of NOVEMBER for v10.2, etc), as you explained, there will not yet be a way through Avidyne to have our iPad simultaneously receive two WiFi signals- 540's & Stratus (for IFD100 & ForeFlight/FlyQ).

Does anybody tech savvy out there know a work around to be able to receive two simultaneous Wifi source signals on the iPad to accomplish this?  Maybe be able to use a 2nd network card on iPad, or maybe have one use BlueTooth output to iPad? 

Tom Wolf 

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2016 at 2:55pm

I thought from what they said that with 10.2 the 540 can serve as a hotspot or a client.

If a client you don't need to have your iPad log on to two hotspots, just the desired hot spot and 540 as client.

Or has that flexibility been taken out?

David Gates

Posted By: AviSimpson
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2016 at 3:10pm
No, the hotspot/client functionality still exists in 10.2.

The issue with Stratus connectivity and the IFDs is a separate issue.

Simpson Bennett
Avidyne Corporation
Product Manager

Posted By: gherb
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2016 at 5:06pm
I corrected the orientation of the images for you. You can right click and save them, and then edit your original post and replace the mis-oriented images.

Posted By: gherb
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2016 at 5:07pm

Posted By: gherb
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2016 at 5:08pm

Posted By: gherb
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2016 at 5:20pm
Originally posted by AviSimpson AviSimpson wrote:

No, the hotspot/client functionality still exists in 10.2.

The issue with Stratus connectivity and the IFDs is a separate issue.

My Dual Electronics XGHP170 has ADS-B in via Bluetooth. Can I expect the traffic and weather to display on the IFD100?

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2016 at 8:06pm
More or less what displays on the IFDXXX displays on the IFD100.

I don't believe your portable displays on the XXX and therefore not on the IFD100.

David Gates

Posted By: thtrottermd
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2016 at 12:37pm
I hate to be a pest, but when will the upgrade be available?! Is there any idea or projected date?

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2016 at 5:21pm
Anyone that knows, won't say; anyone that says, doesn't know.

* Orest

Posted By: ansond
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2016 at 1:27pm
WOW!  Cannot wait to give this a go... 

Posted By: n7ifr
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2016 at 3:00pm
Speaking of waiting for promised upgrades...

What about the long awaited TAS-"A" software upgrade?  

When is this to be released?  Is this in some fashion tied in with the v10.2 release? 

Don't shoot the messenger, but there many of us patiently still waiting (3-years now) for the promised and pre-"Paid For" TAS/ADSB display option.

Tom Wolf

Posted By: n7ifr
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2017 at 1:03pm
I am pasting this from my post on IFD Forum - more related to this  IFD100 Forum:

1.  Download and operation with IFD Trainer on iPad and PC work like a charm - Demo or Jepp subscription.  Thank you Avidyne.

2.  PC Trainer uses previous version files like Waypoints, FP's, Chk-lists, etc.

3.  Still no IFD100.  Apparently the IFD100 App has already been approved by Apple Store, but is still pending Avidyne release...

4.  local Avidyne Dealer yesterday configured my dual IFD540's with v10.2 and SkyTrax100 (MLB100) with v4.1.0, but - tells me still not FAA legal for 540 to receive & display simultaneously both ADSB and TAS traffic despite both now on RS232 streams...


1. Is there any way to import waypoints & FPs to iPad Trainer? - PC Trainer takes USB thumb drive.

2. Short of the pending TAS "A" software upgrade, is there any way with v10.2/v4.1.0 to display both ADSB and TAS traffic on IFD540 - #4 above?

3. With Avidyne Trainer or panel IFD540, on boot up, is there any reason to not use the Yes selection for WiFi/BT? 

Tom W.

Posted By: MarkZ
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2017 at 9:38pm
I also read that the IFD 100 will only write to the standby freq window; you must push the button on the bezel to move it into the active window. I'm sure advancements will later occur. This is going to be an awesome feature nevertheless.

Posted By: Bonanza
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2017 at 3:51pm

New member. Having trouble with transferring flight plan from I pad to 440. I understand that flight plans on foreflight can be transferred to 440. Is this true. Also, does any one have the FLTA option on their 44/ipad?


Fred Willis


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