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DFC90 and the Aspen PFD

Printed From: Avidyne
Category: Avidyne General
Forum Name: DFC90/DFC100 Digital Autopilot
Forum Description: Topics on the Avidyne DFC Digital Autopilots
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Topic: DFC90 and the Aspen PFD
Posted By: AviJake
Subject: DFC90 and the Aspen PFD
Date Posted: 23 Mar 2011 at 4:21pm
Today (23 March 2011), we jointly announced with Aspen that some time later this year (presently forecast for Q4 2011), the DFC90 will be integrated and certified to work with an Aspen EFD1000 Pro or EFD1000 C3 Pro PFD and AHRS.  We have been jointly working on this integration for some time now and expect initial certification in the later part of 2011.  We will update the target certification date as more milestones are achieved. This initial certification will be for the Cirrus SR20 and SR22 aircraft models.  Follow on approvals in other make and model aircraft are being evaluated and will be prioritized based on customer interest and input.  (The DFC100 will still require an Avidyne R9 system.)

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: etekberg
Date Posted: 04 May 2011 at 2:38pm
I hope the A36 and other Bonanzas are on your short list.  I know that a reasonably priced PFD and autopilot system for my Bonanza would make me a buyer.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 04 May 2011 at 3:07pm
Bonanzas owners have generated a lot of interest in the possibility of an Aspen-DFC90 combo.  Are you aware of any other Bonanza drivers who have an interest?   We're using that type of input to determine the next set of aircraft to integrate/certify and the bigger the potential market, the more likely a given airframe will bubble it's way up to the top of the list.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: TurboPA30
Date Posted: 23 Jun 2011 at 11:30am
I am already prepared for the installation in my T210F: Aspen and STEC30, so the servos are all there already. STC please!

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2011 at 12:47pm
We announced the DFC90 support for Barons, Bonanzas and Skylanes this week at Oshkosh.  I've started a separate thread on this forum for more information on those.  They do require an Aspen PFD as the attitude source.

We are now in the final stages of looking at the Cessna 210 family for possible DFC90-Aspen support/integration.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: etekberg
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2011 at 9:55am
And I pre-ordered.  Spend my money wisely please.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2011 at 7:42pm
Thanks Eric.  Money being spent wisely.   I see from your Beechtalk Avatar that you are located in Ok City.  It's a distance but the invite is always open to visit our MA or FL offices for show/tell and progress checks.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: etekberg
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2011 at 8:26pm
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

Thanks Eric.  Money being spent wisely.   I see from your Beechtalk Avatar that you are located in Ok City.  It's a distance but the invite is always open to visit our MA or FL offices for show/tell and progress checks.

Thanks.  I might just take you up on that.  Actually, I'm so enthused about what you guys are doing I'm thinking about asking if you need any more computer engineers.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2011 at 5:57pm

Just let me know if/when you want to arrange a visit.   As for potential job opportunities, we'd be very interested in taking a look at your resume and/or talking about potential opportunities.  If you really are serious, shoot me an email at with your information and we'll go from there.

Steve Jacobson
VP Product Management
Avidyne Corporation
781 402 7474 (office)

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2011 at 10:20am
A short update on the progress of the Aspen PFD-DFC90 Integration efforts.....

Aspen in the final stages of modifying the output of their PFD to look exactly like that of the Avidyne PFD.  When complete, the DFC90 won't even know if an Avidyne unit or an Aspen unit is driving it.  We expect to  be getting a prototype very shortly.   

Aspen has their own SR22 that will conduct much of the flying and testing and Avidyne has equipped our Cessna 182 with an Aspen and a DFC90 and is awaiting that proto load from Aspen to do our own flight testing in.   All of our respective labs are equipped with the hardware and are eagerly awaiting the proto Aspen load.  The Aspen SR22 will be the initial cert platform airplane.

Right now, we're collectively calling the estimated cert date of the SR22 variant to be Q4 of this year.  We're talking weekly to ensure this program stays on track.

We're also soliciting input from Baron and Bonanza owners on their willingness to use their airplanes as development or cert platforms.  These aircraft have many more configuration variations than the Cirrus and 182 platforms and require more combination testing.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: TurboPA30
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2011 at 11:51am
Just to reiterate, my Cessna T210F is available anytime as cert platform. It has a new 1000Pro and an STEC30 with altitude & electric trim (same servos as 55X). Located Houston, TX.
Thank You

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2011 at 2:46pm
Hi Robert,

Understood.   Still no specific plans to support the Cessna 210s with the DFC90 yet but we are eager to find a time/way to do so.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 19 Sep 2011 at 3:15pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update:  We now have working Aspen PFDs talking to and driving the DFC90 autopilot in our company labs.    Aircraft are being prepped now for flight test as soon as we feel confident in flight readiness.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: Harvey
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 12:58pm
I am considering the Aspen Backup display (see -  ) as a replacement for the three remainig steam gauges.  Aspen advertises the product interfces with most GA autopilots.  Will the DFC 100 accept any commands, e.g., GPS steering, from this system?  If not, are you planning on any such linkage?  I am particularly interested in this unit because it provides a two hour battery back up and will fit in the existing panel slot.  The Cirrus electrical system has not proved to be very robust and the Aspen system will leave me with a functioning AHRS if and when the alternators go down again.  Does Avidyne have any such project in the works? 

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 3:37pm
There are no plans at this time to allow the Aspen PFD to able to drive a DFC100 in the event of a dual IFD failure.  Just like the DFC90 and DFC100 are not compatible in that the communication databus (serial signal vs byteflight databus) are different and just like EXP5000 and R9 IFDs are not compatible communication schemes, the Aspen does not have an ability to transmit a R9 compatible format and the DFC100 does not have the ability to talk on both serial and Byteflight.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: wsh
Date Posted: 26 Oct 2011 at 4:35pm
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update:  We now have working Aspen PFDs talking to and driving the DFC90 autopilot in our company labs.    Aircraft are being prepped now for flight test as soon as we feel confident in flight readiness.

I really am looking forward to this combi and hope you will certify it for the Commanders

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 26 Oct 2011 at 5:00pm
Hello "wsh",

Thanks for the post and the Commander request.  We think that would be a great platform for the DFC90 too.   As you can gather from other posts, we haven't announced plans to support the Commander and are trying to stay focused on the platforms we have announced.  We hope to come up for air in the next year and evaluate which aircraft to work on next.


Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 26 Oct 2011 at 5:04pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (26 Oct 11):

Avidyne has several flights under our belts now with an Aspen Pro PFD driving the DFC90 in our company Cessna 182.   So far we've validated the Aspen AHRS mods and VHF modes.  After several flights of tuning and debugging, we're now happy with that performance.

Aspen plans to install the DFC90 into their company Cirrus SR22 in November and begin flights themselves.

The design of the autopilot annunciators and bugs needed some modification for the SynVis version of the Aspen PFD and we're working on that now.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 27 Oct 2011 at 6:43am
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (27 Oct 2011):

One clarifying note.....the flight test in the Cessna 182 is a 28V power bus system with STec System 30 previously installed.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2011 at 1:07pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (11 Nov 2011):

No new news to report.  We're busy plugging away in our labs integrating with the King servos and continuing flight test in our company airplane that is equipped with the Aspen PFD and the DFC90 autopilot.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2011 at 12:19pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (14 Nov 2011):

In addition to our company C-182 equipped with a DFC90 and Aspen PFD, we now have a BE33 Bonanza to use for DFC90 integration and testing.  It's a 28V bird equipped with King KFC150 autopilot and servos and serves as the test bed for King servo integration and the cert platform for the smaller straight tail Bonanzas.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: rds727
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2011 at 3:25pm
I am very interested in the Aspen / Avidyne DFC90 for a Piper Turbo Arrow.  I know there are a lot of Cherokee drivers that would love this combo!

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2011 at 3:32pm
Hi "rds727",

We hear you.  We also think that would be a great platform for the DFC90.  We're going to stay focused on the current announced aircraft to be supported and complete those to a sufficient degree before we commit ourselves to taking on a new airplane  type.

That being said, we do have a head start on a portion of the Arrow (and Warrior) population.  I specifically mean the Avidyne Entegra EXP5000 PFD and STec 55X equipped PA28s.  Any chance your airplane has that configuration?  (I'm assuming from the way you worded your question that that would be a "no").


Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2011 at 1:44pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (29 Dec 2011):

Avidyne has two Aspen-equipped and DFC90-equipped C-182s that we're using for development and certification platforms and Aspen now has their company SR22 equipped with an Aspen PFD and DFC90 autopilot.  We believe the Aspen attitude and nav output performance is now acceptable and we are working on the user interface for the Aspen PFD.

We are running two aircraft certifications in parallel.  Aspen will achieve the STC on the SR2X aircraft and Avidyne will achieve the STC on the 182 platforms.

As noted in an earlier post above, Avidyne also has long-term possession of a 1984 F33A Bonanza.  This is a King servo equipped airplane.  We are currently running characterization testing of the MET circuit so we understand pitch trim speed, responsiveness, bandwidth, circuit design, etc.  As soon as we are done with that MET testing, we will run the aerodynamic model flight tests (January 2012) where we measure the aircraft response to various control inputs which then gets rolled back into the DFC90 aero model and software.   Next steps after that are to install an Aspen PFD in that airplane.

I expect the next meaningful milestone to report on will be the completion of the user interface mods to the Aspen PFD.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2012 at 7:54am
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (27 Jan 2012):

Aspen has completed the user interface mods to the Aspen PFD and both Aspen and Avidyne are testing it.   This includes the various autopilot bug values, autopilot modes annunciations and all the setup parameters.

Both companies are scheduled to be flying the for-credit company flight tests of the updated code during the month of February.

I expect the next meaningful milestone to report on will be the completion of those company flight tests.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: Victor
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2012 at 7:30am
What are there, if any plans for Mooney aircraft being considered to add to the certification list?  

There are around 7,000 Mooneys flying around the world.  Many owners I know are keen for the DFC90 when it becomes available.  My own Mooney has an Aspen Pro 1000 PFD and a STEC 55x autopilot and can hardly wait.


Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2012 at 10:36am
Hi Victor,

We agree the Mooney is a  great candidate airplane for the DFC90.   I'm sorry to keep sounding like a broken record but we are focused on knocking out the certifications for the models we've announced so far before we announce any other types of aircraft.  I suspect that will keep us occupied for most of 2012.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: Victor
Date Posted: 05 Feb 2012 at 5:39am
Thanks Steve.

Hopefully the Mooney will be one of the first for consideration after the current types are complete.  All good things come to those who wait.


Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2012 at 6:45pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (22 Feb 2012):

We're nearly done with joint company flight tests in the Cirrus SR22 and Cessna 182 aircraft. A couple of corner cases may take us to mid March to complete then we roll right into FAA flight test. 

I do expect to post a draft DFC90 Pilot Guide updated for Aspen PFD integration in this thread in about a calendar week from now. It won't go final until the FAA flight test is complete. 

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: Gring
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2012 at 11:31am
Awesome, I can't wait to see the marketplace effect when these are certified.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2012 at 3:07pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (6 Mar 2012):

Here is a draft DFC90 Pilot Guide that has been updated for the Aspen PFD integration.

This is subject to changes that may be required as part of the FAA evaluation and certification activities.  There are some known formatting changes (pagination, TOC, index, etc) that are being cleaned up but we believe this content is complete.

Would love to hear any feedback before it hits the printers. -

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 31 Mar 2012 at 6:51pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (31 Mar 2012):

It's been a busy couple of weeks for the combined Aspen PFD - Avidyne DFC90 project.   Some highlights:

We've been very active in flying both the Aspen-equipped SR22 with the DFC90 and the Aspen-equipped C-182 with the DFC90.  

We believe the autopilot performance mods are now totally complete.  In other words, the autopilot flies those aircraft very, very well and we have no more changes to make at all with the autopilot.

We have a few more minor changes to make with the Aspen display software (e.g. tweaking the annunciator display and the autopilot bug display behavior).

We also have to fix an airplane level gremlin in the SR22 (not Aspen display or Avidyne autopilot related) to allow the airplane to perform exactly as it does in the certified DFC90 equipped Cirri.

We've spent this past week out at Plant City FL with both airplanes giving demo flights to a host of aviation writers and editors.   The autopilot performed flawlessly throughout all of that "stress testing".

In the meantime, we've started flying a F33A out in our CO location.  It was modified for the DFC90 and we're flying the standard test point matrix now.  That should be done in a week or two which means we'll have a fully tuned DFC90 model for the BE-33 family.  We then have to create the appropriate drawing packages and STC cert data before that can be considered an approved and shipping configuration.

As of Monday, 2 April, we'll be flying a V35B Bonanza in our Melbourne FL facility.  We expect about two weeks of flight testing with that airplane after which we'll spend a few weeks putting together the final cert package for the FAA.

The C-182 STC package will officially be the first one we turn into the FAA for certification.  So, from a cert perspective, that is the next set of milestones I'll report on here.   Upcoming milestones for that effort include:  Final Aspen software configuration,  Company Ground and Flight Test Report completed, FAA Flight Test completed.

We'll also likely update the F33A and V35B flight testing progress when there is something interesting to report or they are completed.

Same will be true when the Aspen-equipped Cirrus package is ready to go into the FAA.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2012 at 8:59am
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (5 Apr 2012):

V35B Progress Report:    The V-tail Bonanza did make it to our Melbourne hangar over the weekend.  It's a two-tube Aspen configuration that we modified with a DFC90.   All installations were completed on Tuesday, FAA Experimental ticket issued Wednesday morning and it took it's first DFC90 test flight yesterday, afternoon (4 April).

We have some minor gain adjustments to make and then we'll spend the next 5-10 days testing all corners of the flight envelope.

So far, so good.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2012 at 6:23pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (12 Apr 2012):

V35B Progress Report:  Tuning for the V-tail Bonanza is complete.  We ended up flying 6 or 7 sorties over the last two weeks and have fully tested all aspects of the V-tail envelope up to 17,500'.   I even had the good fortune to personally fly the 2 hour "final exam" tuning flight today and can attest to how well this autopilot flies the airplane.

We return the airplane to Normal category tomorrow and turn over the airplane back to its owner on Saturday.

Our next steps are to take that tuned software model and perform the necessary certification testing and put it in the cert line with the FAA. 

Likely next milestones to report on in this forum are:

Final Aspen software delivered (there is still a small punch list of minor user interface changes to make);

Final cert package turned into the FAA for the Cessna 182 model;

Final cert package turned into the FAA for the Cirrus SR22 model equipped with Aspen PFD;

Final cert package turned into the FAA for the BE-35 series;

Flight testing and tuning of BE-36 models and the Barons.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2012 at 9:00pm
When you get the 35 approval, is it going to matter 14 vs 28V?

David Gates

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2012 at 9:18pm
Hi David,

Short answer = No.

Longer answer = It previously would have.  But, we recently think we've found a technical solution to support 14V servos as well as 28V systems as part of the initial release.  We are conducting those tests now to prove that supposition.  28V vs 14V is irrelevant when talking about the way the DFC90 flies the airplane but is critical in the installation details.   It's a complicated story and one that I'll spare you the details of in this post but we're very excited about the recent engineered solution.   

As an interesting sidebar, the solution came from one of our autopilot engineers who came up with an ingenious solution to the problem of driving 28V or 14V servos from the same autopilot.  He found the proverbial "Westward Passage" and it really exists.

You should see more in the way of posts when we make a few more internal milestones.   Overall, it is trending very, very well.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2012 at 1:00am

David Gates

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2012 at 9:18am
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (28 Apr 2012):

No major milestones to report on in the last two weeks but wanted to post an update nonetheless.

On the Aspen PFD front, we have received a few more interim software loads from Aspen in the last two weeks.  They are making good progress on completing the punch list of remaining open items in their software.  We all have reason to believe the TSO-candidate software load will be delivered sometime next week.   As soon as we have that load, we'll be able to start the "for-credit" Avidyne ground and flight test points in our Cessna 182, leading to the STC submission package.

In parallel with that, tuning for more aircraft models on our previously announced list of aircraft continues.   

We expect to have a Baron (B55 variant) at our Melbourne facility the week of 14 May for characterization flight testing.  The outcome of that week should be a cert-worthy DFC90 for the short body Barons.

We expect to also be testing out a Century equipped V35B that same week to verify our Century servo driving models and compare them to the STec ones in flight.

This past week, I got to spend some time crawling all over the candidate P-Baron (B58P) that we plan to use for the long body Baron testing.

Next expected status update post will be either a notification that we have the "final" Aspen software or that we're flying the B55 with the DFC90.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 10 May 2012 at 7:39pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (10 May 2012):

Today we took delivery of the B55 Baron at our Melbourne facility for characterization flight testing.  We expect to be done with that by 18 May.

We also received what may be the final load from Aspen that we're now testing in the lab and the airplane.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 19 May 2012 at 11:33am
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (19 May 2012):

We had a productive week this past week.  

We were able to complete all of our characterization flight testing for the DFC90 in a Baron (B55) and are pleased to report that the autopilot flies the airplane as expected.  I had the the opportunity to fly the first test flight of the week myself and can personally attest to the autopilot performance in the twin.   We were able to cover all of the envelope including the toughest point of all: high altitude, high speed, max gross weight, max aft cg and then even did an engine chop.   We were very pleased with the performance.  The aircraft will be returned to Normal category this coming week and returned to the owner.

This means we now have autopilot models for the short body Bonanza (B33), the V-tail Bonanza (B35) and the short body Baron (B55) as well as the Cirrus, Matrix/Mirage, Cessna 182 and PA32s.  We still need to create the autopilot models for the long body Bonanza (B36) and long body Baron (B58) and will start those soon.

On the Aspen PFD front, we had found three more items needing correction early in the week and by the end of the week, we now have what both companies believe to the final software load.  We flew that final load and it has the "Avidyne signoff".  Aspen will spend a few weeks performing the official software-test-for-credit on that load and as soon as we hear it is complete, we will start our final STC data submission to the FAA for the C-182-Aspen-DFC90 combo.

As soon as that initial STC is granted, we'll immediately submit for those other models (Barons, Bonanzas, PA32).

Next expected status update post will either be a notification that started the FAA testing or have made our final STC submission.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: quinn1520
Date Posted: 24 May 2012 at 1:28pm
Any time frame when the STC will be available for the F33A? I'm about ready to put a bullet in the back of the head of my S-TEC 50

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 25 May 2012 at 3:59pm
Hi Quinn1520,

I think you should plan on trying to keep your STec 50 on life support for another 4ish months.  What year is your F33A - is it 14V or 28V?

The biggest unknown now with the schedule is the FAA.   We're certain they will be heavily involved in the first Aspen cert we do (Cessna 182) but they haven't decided on what level of involvement they will have with the follow-on certs (this includes the F33A).  We have our autopilot model created for the Stec equipped F33As so our plan is to submit that STC paperwork as soon as the 182 STC is granted.

Is there something specific on your STec 50 you're struggling with right now?

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: quinn1520
Date Posted: 31 May 2012 at 7:14am
Steve, My F33A is a 1979 28 volt system. Every once and a while the aircraft will lose altitude even though alt hold is on. Also I notice that the system tracks to the left of the magenta line on the Garmin 530 when on GPSS during an approach. I realize this may be a Garmin issue but I figured I could solve everything one fell swoop when changing out systems.
Tom Q.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 31 May 2012 at 9:18am
Hi Tom,

Hard to say for sure but here are a few thoughts:

1.  Not immediately helpful to you but the DFC90 does have extensive data logging such that we would most likely know within minutes of getting a copy of the data logs what the cause of that behavior would be, whether it be bad input from the navigator, bad signal from altimetry, or dirty/out of spec servos or trim system.

2.  My first thoughts turn to the health of your existing servos.   They are brushed DC motor type servos that can build up carbon deposits over time and affect the performance.  Do you known when the last time they may have been serviced/cleaned?

3.  In alt hold mode in your existing setup, there is a separate pressure transducer that serves as the target alt to hold sensor/device.  That entire set up goes away in a DFC90 install which, from all field reports I've received to date, has completely squashed those kinds of pre-DFC90 reports.

4.  If your airplane tracks the magenta line well in enroute cruise then I'd be inclined to first look at the roll axis servo system.  I'm not aware of Garmin navigators tracking well in cruise but not in approach - that phase of flight change is more often associated with autopilot roll control gain changing so it typically points to the flight control computer or servo setup.

5.  One relatively quick and easy way that we check the health of brushed DC servos is to measure the startup voltage - that's the voltage it takes to get the servo to start turning.  This is a ground based test and most savvy avionics shops that work with autopilots know what the startup voltage specs are for those servos and how to test it.

You definitely sound like a perfect candidate for the DFC90.   We trucking as fast was we can to have a certified solution for you.

If you'd like to continue the discussion off-line, my email is


Steve Jacobson

Posted By: quinn1520
Date Posted: 31 May 2012 at 9:46am
             Thanks! Will a five spot make the truck go a little faster? ;-) I have only had the plane for less than a year so I am slowly working the bugs out. She is due an annual in August so I was hoping that the STC would be ready by then but no worries. Sounds like either way if I have servo problems they well need to be resolved whether the S-TEC or DFC system is installed. Thanks for your help on this.

Posted By: tindseth
Date Posted: 31 May 2012 at 5:56pm
I have a G-35 Bonanza with single Aspen PFD with syn vision, S-TEC 50 autopilot and new GTN 750. I have been very interested in the upgrade since talking to Jared Butson at the ABS Convention in Las Vegas last year. My understanding is that certification for the older 12 vdc V Tails is not expected until late in the year.
Excuse me if I missed any earlier posts, but my aircraft does not have electric trim.  How will the DFC 90 annunciate the need for manual trim as the S-TEC 50 currently does?
I'm really looking forward to installing the system. It will provide incredible capability to a 56 year old airplane not to mention the safety factor.

Tom Indseth

Posted By: PA30 TC
Date Posted: 07 Jun 2012 at 10:56am
Hi Steve,

I have and IFD540 on order for my 69 model normally aspirated  twin Comanche PA30.  My plan is to have it installed with a panel make over when the Avidyne becomes available in late 2012.  I plan to install an Aspen Pro 1000 or Garmin 500 along with a new autopilot and was wondering if you might be considering an STC for the DFC90 for the comanches either single or twin(same basic airframe).  My existing autopilot is the original Altimatic IIIB(Century) with the original servos and electric trim and I will be replacing it with a new unit.  I would like to complete the entire project all at the same time if the STC would be forthcoming along that same time frame as the IFD540. I would certainly also offer my plane up for flight testing the autopilot as necessary to expedite the STC. I am not too far away in South Georgia. Any time frames you can offer up would be appreciated.  Please contact me if I can be of any support for the autopilot test flying. 


Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2012 at 12:33pm
Hi CW,

We think the PA30 is another great platform for the DFC90 autopilot.  However, as I'm sure you've read, we have not announced that, or any other airframes as the next in line for the DFC90 STC work.  We want to get through our pretty full plate before getting committed to any other airframes.  That being said, I will definitely add you and your airplane to PA30 list.


Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2012 at 12:41pm
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the note.   We're currently trying to achieve a simultaneous cert of the 12/14 and 28V aircraft with the DFC90 and Aspen.  It is possible we'll have to separate the two as we hit the end-game but for now, they are a simultaneous cert.

We need to get through the initial Aspen cert on the C-182 and then we're going to pile on the Bonanzas and Barons.

As for your trim question, the DFC nor the PFDs will annunciate a need to manually trim.  In fact, it is a requirement of the DFC90 system to have a functional pitch trim system on-board.  The DFC90 uses the pitch trim system extensively as part of its precision flying in the pitch axis.


Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2012 at 12:46pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (11 June 2012):

Aspen reports they are a day or two away from finishing their official software test-for-credit.

As soon as we hear it is complete, we will start our company ground and flight test for score and then onto the final STC data submission to the FAA for the C-182-Aspen-DFC90 combo.

Next expected status update post will likely be a notification that we've started the FAA testing in the C-182.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: TurboPA30
Date Posted: 06 Jul 2012 at 10:39pm
I am ready to put a DFC90 deposit down for my 14V '68 Bonanza E33, Aspen EFD2000 configuration, NO autopilot currently except the Brittain wing leveler. I urgently need an autopilot....

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2012 at 11:08am
Hi Robert,

I love your enthusiasm, even if motivated by need more than anything.   We'll be thrilled to trade you a deposit for a certified autopilot and servo set as soon as we're done.

I'll make a certification update post in this thread in a few minutes.  While we're working at full-speed on the Avidyne servo development and certification, I suspect we're still 6ish months away from crossing that cert finish line and being able to ship it to you.


Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2012 at 11:21am
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (7 July 2012):

Getting closer.

Aspen found a defect during their official software test-for-credit that took a few days to fix and retest.   Then, during our company flight test, we found some behavior that we wanted to change with respect to the speed that we drove the existing aircraft servos in a 14V configuration.  That too has been resolved and we're in the middle of our company flight test as I type this.  We started that a few days ago and expect to fly repeatedly  this weekend to complete it.  We have about 250 total flight test points to hit and data log and then summarize in our company test report.  We're on track to finish those test points this weekend then spend a few days writing up the report.

The FAA is all queued up and waiting for us to declare we are ready for their test pilots.  At this point, they have blocked out the week of 16 July to conduct that FAA flight test.  The FAA has agreed to accept our company results for the 28V variant and they will fly the 14V variant.  We plan to ferry the 14V C-182 up to MA from FL next weekend to support the FAA flight test.  So it's all on us to get the rest of our tasks done prior to that so we can make that FAA window.

Next expected status update post will likely be a notification that we've started the FAA testing in the C-182.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2012 at 7:55pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (15 July 2012):

Closer but not there yet.  We had a few challenges last week with our company aircraft that kept us from flying enough to finish the test points.  We expect both aircraft (28V and 14V 182s) to be back fully airworthy this week so that we can finish the last 25% or so of the tests.

That does mean we will not be in FAA testing this week but we do have the FAA now booked for the week of 23 July.

On a different note, we also took temporary possession of a 14V A36 last week that we started doing characterization flight tests.  This A36 testing will take a week to 10 days after which, we'll have a full DFC90 software model for that airframe.

When we're finished with that A36 model creation, we'll have DFC90 software variants in hand for the BE33, 35, 36, and 55.   Next up will be the 58-model Baron.   All of these DFC90 cert programs are queued up behind the initial C-182 cert.

I'll make a post when we've completed our company flight test and turned the final report into the FAA, if not earlier.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2012 at 9:27pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (23 July 2012):

Another important step finished today.  As of a few hours ago, we've completed all of our official company flight test for the DFC90 in the C-182.  The FAA is doing a remarkable job leaning forward to be ready to do their flight test later this week (Thurs-Tues).

The FAA is reviewing our company test report now and have already determined what test points they will fly during their evaluation.

On a different note, we're having quite a good and busy day here on the 1st day of Oshkosh.   A very large number of folks have stopped by the booth and told us to "hurry up and get that autopilot certified!"  (We got the same message about R9 SynVis, the IFD540 and the IFD440). We couldn't agree more.

Next expected post will be when the FAA has started or completed their official flight test.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Aug 2012 at 7:44pm
DFC90-Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (2 Aug 2012):

Here we go.   The C-182 has arrived in Massachusetts tonight.  The FAA will be at Hanscom Field at 0830 Friday (3 Aug) morning to conduct their official flight test.  We and the FAA expect that to be completed in a single day.

I'll make a post when I know the results (but that could be delayed a day or two because I'm going out of town on family business).     

As for other airplanes updates, while we did take temporary possession of an A36 about two weeks ago, we haven't made any autopilot progress yet.  The airplane has been down for maintenance reasons since we've had it.   We think the airplane will be flyable sometime next week and if so, it'll take a few days of flying to finish up that autopilot tuning.

We should also be borrowing a IO-550 equipped B-58 Baron in August to do that tuning.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2012 at 8:00pm
DFC90 - Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (3 Aug 2012):

Official FAA flight test (TIA) is complete and went very well. We had two planned sorties with FAA chosen test points but wound up completing both cards in a single long flight (2.5 hrs) out of KBED. Eval included overall Aspen/DFC User interface and performance checks, Straight & Level, Envelope Alerting/Envelope Protection (high/low speed, flaps, bank) and multiple approaches including published and assigned missed and one using FD only. There were no performance or UI issues identified - none. Expecting STC to go through in the next couple weeks as soon as the FAA processes the paperwork.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: Gring
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2012 at 9:07pm

Awesome, great job. 

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2012 at 5:14pm
DFC90 - Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (12 Aug 2012):

No news yet from the FAA.  We don't consider that to be bad or good news.   We do know they are churning through their various internal wickets and they would contact us if there were any problems or issues discovered.  We just don't know how far through the FAA-internal process they are at this point.

Will surely post an update if we hear anything this week.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2012 at 7:55pm
DFC90 - Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (24 Aug 2012):

We've run into a new challenge with this certification project.   The FAA is holding Aspen to a different standard than what Avidyne was originally held to.   This is resulting in a delayed certification approval.

By way of background, (and this is summarized due to some real complexity), there are 6 players involved with this certification:  Avidyne, Aspen, Avidyne's assigned Aircraft Cert Office (ACO), Aspen's assigned ACO, FAA Small Aircraft Directorate, and HQ FAA.   The current challenge is between Aspen and their assigned ACO.   Aspen understandably chose to minimize that impact by gaining approval (certification) for the Release 2.6 software but without the DFC90 activation utility approved.   Aspen is now shipping Release 2.6 software and is continuing to work with the ACO to gain approval for the DFC90 activation utility.   All the rest of pieces in this puzzle are complete and either approved or awaiting FAA signature with no known problems or open issues.

So now we wait while Aspen tries to comply with the new and late-breaking requirements imposed by their ACO.   The optimists in the group think this could be complete within a week.  Other schools of thought estimate it could take a few weeks.

We know it will be worth the wait and of course wish it were all resolved and behind us.   Needless to say, I'll make an updated post as soon as we hear something.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: TurboPA30
Date Posted: 25 Aug 2012 at 12:09am
I just wish your Avidyne PFD were ready, I am really getting concerned about Aspen with several key people quitting in the past weeks and them adopting Garmin-type practices (DFC-90 activation for a fee, while supporting legacy autopilots for free) which likely contributed to this delay.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2012 at 9:25am
DFC90 - Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (6 Sep 2012):

Another big milestone was just achieved yesterday.  Aspen received official TSO and STC approval for their DFC90 Activation Utility from their FAA yesterday.  That means every road block has been lifted and the final step in the FAA approval process is now with the local FAA office that Avidyne works with.  They have all the material they need, have already reviewed it and noted it all looks fine and now we are in the final waiting game for the final FAA approval signature.   In the recent past, it has typically taken about 2 weeks for those signatures to come once we hit this stage in the process.

The next post here from me *should* be a very good one...

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 13 Sep 2012 at 6:55pm
DFC90 -  Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (13 Sep 2012):

Another big milestone was achieved today.   We now have TSO approval for the Avidyne DFC90 autopilot for the DFC90 - Cessna 182 combination.   That's a big step but there's still one more step to go - we are awaiting the FAA to issue STC approval.   We're close.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: duncang
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2012 at 5:42pm
Great news guys -  will the C182 STC include -RG models?


Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2012 at 10:56am
Yes.  What is your aircraft serial number?  As an educated guess, I've included a few serial number ranges below that you hopefully fall into.  Note that turbocharged variants are not expected in the initial STC.

Skylane RG
(turbocharged models (TR182) within s/n range excluded)   

R18200002 – R18201628

R18200975,  R18201629 – R18201798   

R18201315,  R18201799 – R18202041  

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: duncang
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2012 at 6:57pm
Thanks - looks like we're in :)

Posted By: stevea
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2012 at 8:57pm

So, I'm in the TR182 crowd.  Bummer.  I was looking forward to swapping out this STEC.

I guess the good news is I can still get a pre-STC deposit/price???  ;)

Also - if I go with the Aspen separately for now, are there any special concerns or options there that I'd need to address to be fully compatible with the DFC-90 when it's available?  Specifically I'm interested in the connected panel features.

FWIW - I'd like to do the IFD540 too when it comes out if that matters.

To be clear though - if I were to do a G500, I could not use the DFC-90 under the planned STC's, correct?

Good to see you guys rolling this stuff out there.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2012 at 4:41pm
DFC90 -  Aspen PFD Integration Status Update (2 Oct 2012):

It's official.  We have STC and TSO approval for the DFC90 in Cessna 182s with the Aspen PFD.  This is the first certification of the DFC90 with the Aspen PFD.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: stevea
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2012 at 5:13pm
Jake - to confirm though, this will not apply to TR182's?  The turbo-normalized RG's?
I'm literally in the shop right now about ready to troubleshoot my STEC.  Would love to get rid of it.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2012 at 7:06pm
Hi Steve,

Confirmed  I'm sure that's not the news you'd like to hear now and I feel for you having to pay for STec service.

As for when, it'll have to wait until we're through our first pass of the 182, Bonanzas and Barons.  Once we've got the initial certs on those airframes, we'll take a 2nd pass and pick up additional configurations (like Turbo) and other servo support (like Century and Avidyne).

As for your earlier post, yes, the bright side is you can still do a pre-cert deposit!

We also have no program to integrate with the G500/600.  Garmin has expressed no interest in supporting that.

The same Aspen software that supports the DFC90 (v2.6) also supports and is certified to work with their ConnectedPanel.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: stevea
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2012 at 7:39pm
Oh man, back of the line?  Bummer.  At least u made the Aspen / G500 decision for me.

What about a field approval?  Is that an option?  I would think the altitude envelope would be the difference so could that be placarded to prohibit anything above the non turbo or is it way more complicated than that?

Posted By: tindseth
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2012 at 9:48pm
Congratulations on the STC. That is a major milestone and hopefully the Bonanza and Barons will be down hill from here. Do you have any WAG or feeling for the timeline to Bonanza/Baron cert based on experience with the 182? Are we talking end of the year or 1st qtr of next? I already have the Aspen 2.6 software on mine, just need  the hardware.


Tom Indseth

Tom Indseth

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2012 at 10:06pm
Thanks Tom,

If I recall correctly, you have a 14V V-tail but didn't have electric trim.  Is that still true?  If so, that would be a problem.

We expect the V-tail to be the first of the Beech aircraft certs we seek.  We expect to start the end-phase of that effort in a few short weeks.  If all goes well, and so far that has proved to be a big "if", that would translate to a STC approval sometime in Q4 this year.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2012 at 11:39am

Reference stevea's post on 2 October, we like your thinking but unfortunately, no one we've ever dealt with or heard about in any FSDO will sign off on an autopilot field approval.  We had the same thought but hit a brick wall with that attempt.


Steve Jacobson

Posted By: stevea
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2012 at 12:21pm
I thought that might be the case, but I saw where Aspen had provided the data in their STC (FAA approved data) to allow people to get field approvals (or attempt them) on non-approved models.  Obviously it's a different thing.  I would 100% agree if you didn't have the R182 already STC'd, but thought there might be a glimmer of hope since going from R to TR shouldn't be that big of a deal.
Just curious on the process though - why did you have to exclude the turbo models? 
Oh and goes without saying, but...  congrats on the STC!  That's a big win, and nice to see some real competition heating up and promoting new ideas and new players.  It's too bad it's such an uphill battle.  Something like this in my opinion really provides a big safety margin that is currently not available.  Flight envelope protection, straight and level button, etc.  
It's too bad that there isnt' a differentiation for something like this which would provide a fast track approval. 
Too late to run for President though.

Posted By: tindseth
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2012 at 10:11am
Good memory - I will be installing the electric trim soon or concurrently with the DFC90. I have discovered the trim to be desirable now regardless of autopilot or not. As I recall in some of the earlier FAQ data, control wheel steering may or may not be available for the Bonanza/Baron. Has that been decided yet?

Thanks for the follow up. No doubt I will run in to the sales group at ABS/AOPA next week. That should be a major topic of interest for the membership.

Tom Indseth

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2012 at 10:17am
Good news Tom.   Then you should be able to take the 1st Bonanza STC we do and install under that.

The DFC90 does fully support CWS so if you already have that wired in your airplane, it will just work.  If an airplane isn't wired for CWS, that's a fairly straight-forward add for those who want it. Either way, it's part of the baseline DFC90.  Was it the Ragu tagline that said "It's in there...."

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: Jester
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2012 at 1:10pm
Is there a timeframe for the STC for the PA32 series?  I'm looking to upgrade to a glass panel and new autopilot ASAP.

Posted By: PA32N3QQ
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2012 at 1:26pm
What's the STC status for the DFC90 on retrofiting to 1976 PA-32  lance   -N3QQ
Currently have IIIC with AP DG. No Alt hold or pitch servo currently. No Aspen PFD yet as well.
If approved what would be required to install the DFC90 and estimated cost?

Posted By: PA32N3QQ
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2012 at 1:27pm
BTW; I do have electric trim

Posted By: tindseth
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2012 at 4:45pm
Looking forward to the install. What is it they say about "Best equipped, best served" these days?

Tom Indseth

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2012 at 8:31pm
For those of you asking about PA32 support, I've started a new thread on AvidyneLive for PA32.

See: -

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: Mry110
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 2:38pm
Is the flight testing finished for the A36?

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 9:44pm
Yes, we're done with A-36 characterization testing.   That means we have a TSO-ready autopilot model for the A-36.

As a side note, we now have full autopilot models for all three variants of the Bonanza (33, 35, 36) and both main variants of the Baron (55, 58).   We are now transitioning to certifying those autopilot software models.  It'll take a few months to get them all STC'd.  We're starting with the V-tail Bonanzas.

Steve Jacobson

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